Friday, April 25, 2014

Shredded, Part 2

A few days later, they bring in Dog #2. See, this dog had "only" ripped up his mouth, so they thought he didn't need to be seen. The sister "who works at a vet clinic" was bringing over medicine, so proper veterinary care wasn't necessary. Until it was.

I'm kinda surprised they actually paid, but pay they did to collect dog #1. Dog #2, upon initial inspection, did not appear as bad off. However, he was less cooperative, and required a muzzle to anesthetize. Yay.

Once under, it was decided that, yes, he did need a drain tube in the gaping hole in his chest. He also had some of the larger wounds on his lips stitched. Due to the wounds on his face, however, he had developed a very nasty case of cellulitis along his entire lower face. There was no distinct wound or abscess, instead, his entire face oozed pus. There were rips & tears in his tongue that had begun to turn necrotic, again, nothing that could be stitched.

And, the coup de grace, he fractured his upper canine almost in half, with the full extent of the fracture running up under his gum line. Pulp was exposed, and the tooth would bleed when touched.

This dog is patched up now too, with a bill very similar to the first dog. Even with the fractured canine, had we seen the dog the day it all happened, we might have been able to save them  a bit of money, I suppose. They didn't want us to do anything that wasn't necessary, but it was all necessary!

The best part of this whole story is that, when we walked into the room to talk to them about Dog #1, it was like walking into a wall of alcohol & marijuana. And perfume/cologne. I'm not sure who they thought they were kidding with the cover-up, but we had to air out the space after they left.

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